Am Having the transaction table which will grow daily and now row count is around 25 million.
This is my query taking more time and cost. Its due to order by in the computation field(TOTAL_WEIGHT)
This is my query taking more time and cost. Its due to order by in the computation field(TOTAL_WEIGHT)
FROM (SELECT pps_id,round(((( 60 * name_pct_match / 100) +
prs_weight + year_weight + dt_weight)/
90) * 100) total_weight
(SELECT pps_id,
round(func_compare_name( 'FRANCIS JOHN
ROCH',upper(name_en),' ',60)) name_pct_match,
decode(prs_nationality_id, 99, 15, 0) prs_weight,
10 mother_weight,
100 total_attrib_weight,
case when
to_number(to_char(birth_date, 'yyyy')) = 1986 then 5 else 0 end year_weight,
case when
to_char(to_date('12-JAN-86','DD-MON-RRRR'), 'dd') = to_char(birth_date, 'dd')
to_char(to_date('12-JAN-86','DD-MON-RRRR'), 'mm') = to_char(birth_date, 'mm')
then 10
when to_date('12-JAN-86','DD-MON-RRRR') between birth_date-6 and
birth_date+6 then 8
when to_date('12-JAN-86','DD-MON-RRRR') between birth_date-28 and
birth_date+28 then 5
when to_date('12-JAN-86','DD-MON-RRRR') between birth_date-90 and
birth_date+90 then 3
else 0
FROM individual_profile
WHERE birth_date = '12-JAN-86'
AND gender_id = 1
AND round(func_compare_name('FRANCIS JOHN ROCH',upper(name_en),' ',60))
> 20
order by total_weight desc)
where rownum <= 10
Till oracle 11g there is no way to solve order by issue. In oracle 12c oracle introduced TOP LIMIT concept to reduce this burden. In my case i cant use this since my DB is oracle 11g. so i did following steps to make this query performing
Step -1: Initially i thought to made my fetch fast. So i partitioned the table by birth_date and subpartitioned by gender_id. So now my fettch became fast.
Step -2: partitioned the table bith_date year wise as range partition and gender wise as list partition.
Step-3: Now i made the fetch faster. my query is used by many users at a time. So i want to think about CPU utilization also. After taking explain plan i found bytes is high and cost somewhat reduced
Step-4: Now i tried different indexes to reduce the cost and bytes. but nothing helped as order by is used.
step-5 : Finally i decided to make my query to run in parallel.
step-6: Oracle 11g has option of parallel(auto) which tell the optimizer to run in parallel based on user
step -7: SELECT /*+ parallel(auto) */ PPS_ID,TOTAL_WEIGHT from
step-8: added parallel hint which brought down cost and bytes. now query is performing well
Note: This parallel wont take indexes used in the table.It will ran in parallel way.