Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Avoid distinct in Query if its not needed actaully

This query came to me  as its taking more time return result and cost is also high.

  FROM act_ru_task
WHERE id_ IN (SELECT tasks.id_
                 FROM (SELECT a.*, rownum rnum
                         FROM (SELECT DISTINCT res.*
                                 FROM act_ru_task res
                                INNER JOIN act_ru_identitylink i
                                   ON i.task_id_ = res.id_
                                WHERE res.priority_ = :b3
                                  AND res.assignee_ IS NULL
                                  AND ((res.due_date_ <= :b2 AND
                                      res.due_date_ IS NOT NULLOR
                                      res.due_date_ IS NULL)
                                  AND res.assignee_ IS NULL
                                  AND i.type_ = 'candidate'
                                  AND i.group_id_ = :b1
                                ORDER BY res.id_ ASC) a
                        WHERE rownum <= :b4) tasks
                WHERE rnum >= :b5)


After taking plan 

I found there is no duplicate values in the table and distinct is doing full table scan which is not required here.

Before putiing distinct in the table please make sure its needed for your requirement.